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Why OGVO-Ghana?

Our Generation Voluntary Organisation (OGVO) prides itself on being a highly regarded volunteering organisation that constructs partnerships with the communities we work in.

Our mission is to foster a whole range of cross-cultural understanding and amity by providing young people with quality opportunities for international volunteering, interns, inter-cultural exchange and travel experience, education and training.1

Environmental Protection & Conservation Programs in Ghana

Volunteers will be able to help local environmental organizations with their conservation efforts.

These organizations work to protect and build up parks and natural areas through local initiatives and activities.

As a volunteer with this program, you will learn about all aspects of conservation. You will work with organizations on a wide range of conservation initiatives such as assisting with site restoration, planting of trees, maintenance of planting areas, and administrative assistance.

We welcome volunteers who are interested in working with the nursery area of our projects.

Volunteers will assist with: tree nursery, transplanting, choosing seedlings, adding seed bags, adding water to the nursery, and fetching water.

Participants will work with either the Wildlife Division or Ghana Forestry.


  • Help protect and conserve the environment in Ghana and earn international volunteering experience.
  • Assist other volunteers in environmental conservation efforts.
  • Perform a variety of tasks, including maintaining a tree nursery and picking seedlings.
  • Live and work in rural Ghana, near the cities of Accra, Cape Coast, and Kumasi.

There are no special qualifications for this project, however you must be adaptable to a tropical environment, be in excellent health, and willing to help in the environmental and conservation fields.

Location of OGVO Volunteer/Intern Programs
We have volunteer and intern work placements in both urban and rural areas in Ghana including Accra, Koforidua, Kumasi, Cape Coast, Kwamoso, Salt Pond,Swedru,Tepa, Boaben-Fiema, Bibiani, Boako, Wassa Akropong, Wale Wale, Mampong, Asafo, Buduburam, and many more.

Start Dates and Durations
We pride ourselves for our flexibility. Volunteers or interns can arrive any day of the year with advanced notice. You can volunteer or intern for periods of 1 week to 6 months. Extension can be arranged with advanced notice as well.

OGVO Program Prices
Our fees are extremely affordable as compare to other organisations. Our program fee starts as small as US $250. Program fees mainly help us cover the variable costs, such as food, accommodation, airport pick-up, placement, program orientation, etc. Program fees vary according to the length of your program. To see program fees and what it covers, please click here.

All accommodation with a Ghana home-stay family is included. Rooms are private and have all the basic furnishings you could expect, including running water, electricity & clean bathrooms. The home-stay families have been specially chosen by OGVO and have hosted many volunteers over the course of several years. Our home-stay families form some of the most memorable parts of Volunteer/Intern Programs and provide amazing insight into traditional Ghana life, as well as creating friendships that last a lifetime.


Three meals a day are provided by the home-stay families and consist mainly of traditional Ghanaian meals with some flexibility for home comforts when available. If you have special eating needs, you can indicate that while applying. Even though special eating needs are not something we can guarantee, we will do our best to meet your needs.

Working days and hours
You will work 5 days a week, leaving you two free days (Saturday & Sunday) to explore the area. You'll work around 4 to 9 hours per day.

During weekends Volunteers/Interns have the opportunity to visit all that Ghana has to offer. Weekend trips available include visits to Mole National Park in the Northern Region of Ghana. This National Park offers a great Safari-like experience and is one of the biggest Elephant Sanctuaries in Africa with the chance to spot Lions, Leopards & Antelopes in their natural habitat.
Volunteers can also take a trip to Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana to relax in the beautiful beaches and see the famous Cape Coast castle, the Kakum Canopy walkway and Elmina castle, where slave trade begun.


“As a westerner coming to Africa for the first time, Ghana has provided an excellent introductory experience to the continent. While the spirit of Africa is certainly alive and well here, Ghana's people are welcoming, and give off a certain friendliness and hospitality that is not to be found in other African countries. read more>>
Alexander J. Godfrey, Australia

  • Medicine & Healthcare Internship
  • Dental Elective Program
  • Volunteer Orphanage Program
  • Volunteer Street Children Program
  • Veterinary Internship Placement
  • Disabled Children Volunteers Placement 
  • Journalism Internship Placement
  • Microfinance Volunteers Program
  • Summer Community Service & Travel
  • Construction Volunteering Programs
  • Educational Trip for School Groups
  • English Teaching Volunteers
  • Wildlife Volunteers Placement
  • Midwifery School Electives/Internship
  • Agriculture & Farming Volunteers

Quick facts about Ghana
  • Arrival airport …………Accra (ACC)
  • Capital City …………… Accra
  • Religion ……………………Christian
  • Currency …………………Cedi (GHC)
  • Population ……………… 24 Million
  • Language …………………English (official)
  • Time Zone ……………… UTC + 00:00
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